Judy and Luc are two of the most driven real estate agents I have had the privilege of working with. They are very professional when it comes to their work and it shows the second you meet with them. Their demeanour is extremely kind and they bend over backwards for their clients. My experience with them was over very quickly as my home was on and off the market in a flash, however, they have left a life long lasting impression that will be hard for any other real estate agent to live up to.
- Geoff H.
Professional, organized, enthusiastic and caring are perfect words to describe the Judy May team. They did a wonderful job marketing and selling our house and finding us the perfect condo. They are excellent communicators keeping informed every step along the way. We could not be happier with the service that they provided. Spoken from the heart…thank you again!
- Hardie & Linda
We first met Judy May when we were looking at a house that she had listed. At the time we did not have our own agent; so we asked if she would be our agent and of course she said yes. In the course of going through this house we were able to meet Luc Romanica, the other half of the team. This house did not work out for us, so our search started for the perfect house. they showed us many homes but we still did not see what we wanted.They were very helpful and said not to worry because they would keep looking until we were happy. Then one day we came across our dream home! We had not listed our home yet as we wanted to make sure we found what we wanted before selling. Judy & Luc listed our home and it sold after the first showing. They looked after everything and made our sale and move stress free. We have stayed in touch with them and now consider them to be our friends. We are very happy with our new home and can not begin to tell you what a great team they make. You will not be disappointed if you choose to sell or buy through them.
- Art & Sharon
Nous sommes une famille militaire qui a été transféré a Kingston à l’été 2016 nous avons contacté Luc Romanica et Judy May afin de trouver la maison qui nous convient le mieux tous en respectant notre budget. Nous avons reçu un service professionnel hors du commun. Connaissant très bien le secteur, ils nous ont bien conseillés tous en respectant nos préférences et notre budget et ce sans aucune pression afin de trouver la maison idéale pour notre situation temporaire. Disponible en tous temps ils était très bien préparés lors de nos journées de visite et ils ont coordonnés le tout rapidement afin de respecter notre horaire. Nous recommandons cet équipe si vous voulez un service professionnel qui dépasseront vos attentes.
- Simon et Karyne
The Judy May team was amazing to work with ! From the first seamless meeting to consistent communication and ongoing availability, they were available to answer any and all questions. We hired them to help us sell our first home, which was both an emotional and exciting time for my husband and I. Due to Judy and Luc always reassuring us and guiding us step by step- we never once felt anxious… we were well taken care of! From staging, to cleaning to even landscaping our front and rear yard – we always felt like we were their number one clients. Thank you for selling our home so quickly and taking such great care of us.
- Betsy , Kurt and Baby Norah